Terry Hui: Visionary Behind Concord Pacific’s Transformative Developments

Terry Hui, the CEO of Concord Pacific, is widely recognized for his pivotal role in shaping the skyline and urban landscape of Vancouver, Canada. Under his leadership, Concord Pacific has become one of North America’s largest and most influential urban development companies, known for its innovative and community-focused projects.

Early Life and Career

Born in Hong Kong, Terry Hui immigrated to Canada with his family. He attended the University of British Columbia, where he earned a degree in engineering. Hui’s background in engineering provided a solid foundation for his future endeavors in real estate development. In 1996, he took over the helm of Concord Pacific, a company originally terry hui concord pacific founded by his father, Hui Tung Sing, in partnership with legendary developer Li Ka-shing.

Visionary Leadership

Hui’s leadership is characterized by a visionary approach to urban development. He has a keen eye for identifying potential in underdeveloped areas and transforming them into thriving communities. His projects emphasize sustainability, innovation, and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Concord Pacific’s Landmark Projects

One of Terry Hui’s most notable achievements is the development of Concord Pacific Place, a master-planned community on the former Expo 86 lands in downtown Vancouver. This project, spanning over 200 acres, has set new standards for urban living with its mix of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces.

Hui’s commitment to sustainability is evident in Concord Pacific’s projects, which often feature green building practices, energy-efficient designs, and abundant green spaces. Concord Green, a recent initiative, aims to incorporate advanced sustainable technologies and practices across all new developments.

Community and Innovation

Under Hui’s guidance, Concord Pacific is not just about building homes but about creating communities. The company’s developments often include parks, community centers, and public art installations, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Innovation is another hallmark of Hui’s leadership. He has spearheaded the integration of smart home technologies and advanced building materials into Concord Pacific’s projects, ensuring that they are not only beautiful and functional but also future-proof.

Challenges and Achievements

Terry Hui has navigated numerous challenges in his career, from economic downturns to the complexities of urban planning and development. His ability to adapt and innovate has been key to Concord Pacific’s success. Under his leadership, the company has received numerous awards for its projects, including accolades for design, sustainability, and community impact.

Future Vision

Looking ahead, Terry Hui continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in urban development. His vision includes expanding Concord Pacific’s reach beyond Vancouver, with projects in other major cities in Canada and internationally. Hui’s commitment to sustainability, innovation, and community remains at the core of his strategy.


Terry Hui’s leadership of Concord Pacific has not only transformed the physical landscape of Vancouver but has also set new standards for urban development worldwide. His visionary approach and commitment to creating sustainable, vibrant communities have made him a respected figure in the real estate industry. As he continues to innovate and expand, Hui’s influence on urban development will undoubtedly endure for years to come.

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